Tag Archives: #WordCampMsa

WordPress – The Easiest way to get into Tech

We live in what is currently termed an information society, which in turn makes almost all of us digital citizens. A digital citizen refers to a person who has the knowledge and skills to effectively use digital technologies to communicate with others, participate in society and create and consume digital content.

WordPress is a tool that allows you to create and consume digital content, and the best part of it is; its’ open source nature. This makes WordPress readily available and open to all who may need to use it either to create and or to consume content.

WordPress offers you three usage options which are very relevant to the world we live in today.

  1. A Blog
  2. A Website
  3. An Application

What to expect and take away from this talk.

  1. How having a WordPress.com site can help to build and engage with a network vital to their personal and business lives.
  2. How owning a self-hosted WordPress website can be leveraged on to make their brand, business or work visible to the world, thereby building credibility.

Grab your Ticket Now For WordCamp Mombasa 2018


See Y’all at WordCamp Mombasa 2018!

Speaker | Mary Job
#Technology #WordPress #WordCampMsa

Call for Speakers

Thanks for your interest in speaking and helping us put on an amazing WordCamp Mombasa!

The Call for Speakers is now closed.

Before submitting your speaker proposal, please log in to WordCamp.org using your WordPress.org account*.

If you don’t have an account, please create one.

* This is your account for the official WordPress.org website, rather than your personal WordPress site.

Call for Volunteers

Blurb with information for potential volunteers.